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Katedra Nanometrologii

Publikacja Katedry w czasopiśmie Applied Surface Science

Data: 30.05.2022

Gratulujemy prof. Jarosławowi Serafińczukowi oraz innym współautorom opublikowania pracy "Thermal oxidation of [0001] GaN in water vapor compared with dry and wet oxidation: Oxide properties and impact on GaN" wydanej w czasopiśmie Applied Surface Science (IF=6.7). Wszystkim życzymy dalszych sukcesów naukowych. 

Thermal oxidation of [0001] GaN in water vapor compared with dry and wet oxidation: Oxide properties and impact on GaN

L. Janicki, R. Korbutowicz, M. Rudzinski, P. Michałowski, S. Złotnik, M. Grodzicki, S. Gorantl,  J.Serafińczuk, D. Hommel, R. Kudrawiec

Conventionally thermal oxidation of GaN is performed in either dry or wet oxygen ambient. In this work thermal
oxidation in water vapor ambient, together with the two above mentioned modes, is characterized. All three GaN
oxidation modes were comprehensively studied structurally and optically using a wide range of experimental
methods. Thermal oxidation of GaN at 950 C in dry oxygen, in wet oxygen, and in water vapor, was performed
for up to 20 min. All oxidation modes resulted in β-phase Ga2O3 growth as confirmed by XRD measurements. A
different surface morphology was observed between processes, smooth and featureless for the vapor oxidation,
and grainy for dry and wet modes. Similarly, the growth rate varied between modes of oxidation with the slowest
observed for the vapor mode and the fastest for the dry mode. An oxygen diffusion into GaN was observed for the
dry and wet processes with above background levels of O visible over 150 nm below the oxide/GaN interface.
Conversely, only negligible diffusion was observed for the vapor oxidized GaN. Optical studies of the structures
electronic properties revealed that only the vapor process did not degrade the material underneath the oxide

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