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Katedra Nanometrologii

Publikacja Katedry w czasopiśmie Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

Data: 01.04.2024

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Gratulujemy Bartoszowi Pruchnikowi i innym opublikowania pracy "Educational scanning tunneling microscope – open architecture platform for nanotechnology teaching and nanometrology research" w czasopiśnie Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (IF: 1,1).

Educational scanning tunneling microscope – open architecture platform for nanotechnology teaching and nanometrology research

B. Pruchnik, A. Sikora, K. Gajewski, B. Świadkowski, P. Smagowski, D. Badura, K. Kwoka, T. Piasecki, T. Gotszalk

In this paper, we present the in-house hardware and software platform allowing to perform the demonstrations of the design and operation of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and derivative diagnostic techniques, enabling the determination of the properties of the surface at the nanoscale. The main advantage of the described setup is an open architecture, which is essential in terms of providing full insight into certain aspects of the construction and the ways the measurements are performed. Due to the modular design of the platform, students can excel in their competencies within various forms of learning activity, including basic training classes and diploma works. The described solution is a unique setup that was developed using the experience of the researchers at the Department of Nanometrology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-53846-y

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Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025