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Katedra Nanometrologii

Publikacja Katedry w czasopiśmie Nanotechnology

Data: 27.12.2023

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Gratulujemy prof. Tomaszowi Piaseckiemu, dr inż. Krzyszfotowi Kwoce, Piotriwi Kunickiemu, Ewelinie Gackiej i prof. Teodorowi Gotszalkowi opublikowania pracy "Electrical, thermal and noise properties of platinum-carbon free-standing nanowires designed as nanoscale resistive thermal devices" w czasopiśnie Nanotechnology (IF: 3,5).

Electrical, thermal and noise properties of platinum-carbon free-standing nanowires designed as nanoscale resistive thermal devices

Tomasz Piasecki , Krzysztof Kwoka , Ewelina Gacka, Piotr Kunicki, Teodor Gotszalk

Platinum-carbon (PtC) composite nanowires were fabricated using focused electron beam induced deposition and postprocessed, and their performance as a nanoscale resistive thermal device (RTD) was evaluated. Nanowires were free-standing and deposited on a dedicated substrate to eliminate the influence of the substrate itself and of the halo effect on the results. The PtC free-standing nanowires were postprocessed to lower their electrical resistance using electron beam irradiation and thermal annealing using Joule heat both separately and combined. Postprocessed PtC free-standing nanowires were characterized to evaluate their noise figure (NF) and thermal coefficients at the temperature range from 30 K to 80 °C. The thermal sensitivity of RTD was lowered with the reduced resistance but simultaneously the NF improved, especially with electron-beam irradiation. The temperature measurement resolution achievable with the PtC free-standing nanowires was 0.1 K in 1 kHz bandwidth.

Nanotechnology 35 (2024) 115502;DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ad13c0

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