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Katedra Nanometrologii

Publikacja Katedry w czasopiśmie Nanomaterials

Data: 30.08.2023

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Gratulujemy Bartoszowi Pruchnikowi i innym autorom opublikowania pracy "Four-Point Measurement Setup for Correlative Microscopy of Nanowires " w czasopiśnie Nanomaterials (IF: 4,9).

Four-Point Measurement Setup for Correlative Microscopy of Nanowires

B. C. Pruchnik, J. D. Fidelus, E. Gacka, K. Kwoka, J. Pruchnik, A. Piejko, Ł. Usydus, L. Zaraska, G. D. Sulka, T. Piasecki, T. P. Gotszalk

The measurement method, which utilizes nanomanipulation of the nanowires onto a specially prepared substrate, was presented. It introduced a four-point resistance measurement setup on a chip suited for scanning probe microscopy measurements, integrating connectors and a nanowire specimen. A study on the resistance and resistivity of the thermally post-treated ZnO nanowires at 200 °C and 300 °C in air showed the dependence of these electrical parameters on the annealing temperature. The investigations of the electrical properties of blocks built on the basis of nanowires and their related devices could provide a useful guide not only for designing, fabricating and optimizing electromechanical nanodevices based on nanowires but also for their safe operation in future electronic applications.


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